Thursday, February 19, 2009

massage and wheatbags

I've been experimenting recently with wheatbags and massage.

I have noticed that using heat/wheatbags before during and after

massage will assist greatly the injured part.

My friend hurt his quadriceps muscle recently, i firstly advised him to

apply a wheatbag to it as it was just to painful to massage.

I got him to keep putting wheatbag back in microwave and appliying it

to his leg muscle. The next day i was able to give him a massage

and loosen up the muscle more. He went home aput more heat on it we

continued this for two more days. With amazing results.

Keeping the heat on the injured part warms it up allowing it to relax,

also bringing good blood to the area allowing it to heal.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Head to sore to do anything.

It is well known that headaches can be caused by many different things.
Some of these include:
Muscle tension
Eye strain
skeletal miss alignment
Whip lash
Excessive noise

Headache relief can be eased, by a good remedial massage or reflexology, some of the time.
Also important is drinking a lot of water. Eight glasses a day is recommended, whether you have a headache or not.
This is because the body is made up of 80% water and if this level drops the toxicity level increases, sometimes resulting in a headache.

Friday, January 30, 2009

summer Glow

This summer /Autumn Why not fake it, with a fantastic looking spray tan,

at my clinic i offer affordable spray tans with a natural looking colour,

Take it from me who has an olive comlexion to start with that

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Pregnancy & Massage

Hey Congratulations you have found out your having a baby –What Now!

You’ve heard all the things your friends and family have told about what to expect, Morning sickness, weight gain, pain, swelling Back aches, tiredness need I continue!

But hey there is a plus side to this- the miraculous body transformations altering every system in your body- and with that does come different aches /pains,
SO if you haven’t had a massage before now is a PERFECT time to start! Not only will you benefit from a massage but your little growing life inside you will also.

Bodywork (massage) will ease your pregnant body as it transides through each changing trimester, Improving maternal and infant health in a myriad of ways.

--Eases muscular aches/discomforts
--reduces stress
--Aids in digestion
--enhances blood and lymph circulation
--promotes body and mind awareness
Pregnancy massage will also prepare mother for labour/birth.
Support lactation and can assist in any postpartum depression.

In the first trimester the client is able to lye on her stomach
(obviously if nipple pain is to server) on her side or back.
Deep Pressure points are to be avoided in first trimester,
Long relaxing strokes are great.
In the second trimester the lady may not be able to lay on her stomach so side laying or a pregnancy table is preferred.
From week 13 onwards a small pillow should be placed under her right hip this tilts the pelvis to the left and shifts the uterus off the inferior vena carva (a vein) and facilitating the return of blood to the heart.

After the sixth month of pregnancy the unborn can sense massage of the abdomen and responses to the touch, pregnant women can do their own bellies daily not only when her belly begins to grow but as so as she finds out she is pregnant, moisturizing cream as this is soothing and bonding (great to help with stretch marks) she may even notice her unborn responding to her touch.

The latter stages of pregnancy massage can assist in swollen legs feet, assist lumbar pain /discomfort and help prepare the body for labour and childbirth, plus general feeling of relaxation.

Once the women begins labour, massage can be helpful, the father to be ,can assist in this , circular motions on her lower back can help labour pains, whether she is laying on her side or sitting in chair or bath/shower. This will aid in comfort and reassurance and help him to feel useful.

Massage during labour can assist in reducing anxiety and stress which can stall labour and help replace it with endorphins which will facilitate a healthy labour.

Massage Brisbane.